A2 Physical Therapy News

November 8, 2017 | Ready, Set, Run! Combat Depression with Regular Exercise
Imagine going to the doctor with symptoms of depression and she hands you a new prescription: Do two sets of squats, 15 bicep curls, 10 laps around the track and call me... ...Read More

November 3, 2017 | Trunk Mobility
Trunk mobility refers to the natural movement of our torso with motion between the shoulders and pelvis when we walk and change direction, reach overhead, look behind us, and get in or... ...Read More

October 12, 2017 | National Fall Prevention Day
Thanks to the Pt Defiance-Ruston Senior Center for allowing A2 to come celebrate National Fall Prevention Awareness Day with your seniors last month. We enjoyed performing fall risk screenings and instructing a... ...Read More

February 19, 2017 | Texting Thumb
Put the phone down, do a few comfortable wrist and thumb stretches, and remember these delicate tendons and strong joints were designed to move, but not necessarily in a fixed position across a 2 inch screen thousands of times a day. ...Read More

October 14, 2016 | Wilson High School Cheer
Having the opportunity to give back to our community is one aspect of A2 that we pride ourselves in. This year we had the pleasure of supporting Wilson Rams Cheer. Thank you Rams Cheer, for letting us be a part of your 2016-2017 season! ...Read More

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"William and I have been working out with Kristi on Saturday mornings for months now and we love it! We find the couples training so beautiful physically, mentally and relationally. Kristi not only challenges us with cardio and lifting but has introduced us to exercises that relate to balance and stretching. As we enter our 60’s we appreciate these balance routines and can see how it benefits our daily lives. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard William say, “I am not doing that, that’s a girl exercise!” and then later he’ll say “wow that was harder than I thought” or sometime that week he’ll bring up an exercise we do on Saturday and how it benefited him that day! Most importantly we have blast encouraging each other, competing with each other and having fun! We appreciate A2 and Kristi for providing a space for us to stay fit and have fun. We wish you all much success! Thank you"

− Pam and William

"I started at A2 about mid-July and I am in the 9:00 am Friday class. A2 has opened me up to new levels of a workout. There is no “golden Standard”. Everyone goes to the best of their abilities. I feel like I can workout without being judged. In my class there are my mom, dad, aunt Lori, aunt Amber, my cousin Mandy and our newest addition Randy. Kristi is always encouraging us to give our all. She is never telling us that we aren’t doing the workout right. Instead she helps us grow by kindly telling us if we do it this way we will get more out of it and she always helps us get there. I decided to do cross country this year and I feel like I can go and be successful and strong because of my A2 workout. Thank you so much for helping me grow in my health."

− Genevieve

"My name is Irvin Markham. I am a member of A2 Physical Therapy and Fitness. I have been a member of several gyms but never had a personal trainer. With no schedule or workout plan, I would always eventually quit. My wife suggested to go see her personal trainer Kristi Cruz. What a difference the experience has made in helping me get the most out of my workouts. Kristi has not only helped me get 71 year old body back in shape physically, but mentally as well. She has put me on a set schedule and encourages me to do all the things I need to do to stay healthy. I cannot thank Kristi and the entire staff at A2 for all of the support they have shown me."

− Irvin