Personal Training

A2’s personal trainers offer individualized, client-focused exercise programs with a one-on-one or small group training option. Our educated and certified trainers design exercise programs around your goals while providing the education and motivation to help you reach them.  We take pride in getting to build relationships with our clients and we applaud the personal decision and priority you’ve made to yourself by taking this step of committing to regularly work with us. Regardless of your age or current fitness level, A2 trainers are excited to work with you and are looking forward to tailoring a fun, challenging, and motivating fitness program to help you reach your goals.

"Clear, communicative staff that showed great motivation in helping me return to my return to my recreational work and athletic activities Danny is super knowledgeable and had a strong sense of intuition in helping me identify and overcome my limitations. I’ve made an excellent recovery from a critical injury thanks to A2 and am now back to my usual flow."

− Keyon

"I came to A2 PT to assist in my recovery of a torn Achilles tendon. Not fully knowing what to expect, I was pleasantly surprised. Using a combination of PT (for strengthening and stretching) and massage (for scare tissue Break up) I feel my recovery has been accelerated. The whole crew Alika, Kristi, and Sophia are very kind, spirited, and passionate about their jobs! On a personal note, the word massage should be removed from the phrase deep tissue massage. It is very misleading-but it does work!
Keep up the great work gang!!"

− Christopher

"My name is Irvin Markham. I am a member of A2 Physical Therapy and Fitness. I have been a member of several gyms but never had a personal trainer. With no schedule or workout plan, I would always eventually quit. My wife suggested to go see her personal trainer Kristi Cruz. What a difference the experience has made in helping me get the most out of my workouts. Kristi has not only helped me get 71 year old body back in shape physically, but mentally as well. She has put me on a set schedule and encourages me to do all the things I need to do to stay healthy. I cannot thank Kristi and the entire staff at A2 for all of the support they have shown me."

− Irvin