Quiet Mind for Kids Book

Alika Antone, owner and lead therapist of A2 Physical Therapy launched a children's book called "Quiet Mind for Kids." This project was a collaboartion between Collin Henderson (Mental Performance Coach) and Alika Antone (Physical Therapist) that is intended to give young people simple tools to improve their mindset and mental health and become the BEST version of themselves. Parents and Educators will enjoy the simple steps outlined to introduce their kids/students to the Besttm method. These basic tools and exercises are designed to improve their minds and self talk, and to becauseom more present in the moment. The book can be purchased at Amazon and Alika is available to read and discuss this important subject to small groups of children in our community elementary schools, libraries, etc. Contact us today for more information. 

"A2 has been wonderful in helping me with my elbow pain. The skilled staff has attacked my ailment with an array of methods. I came in with 6-7/10 pain and after a few weeks my elbow is down to 1-2/10. The environment is warm and welcoming. The staff is friendly and very skilled. They take the time to listen and formulate a personalized plan. One of the tools they use is the Neubie. I have had amazing results using it. Its ability to target and safely load a specific area is very helpful. Overall, A2 is amazing and I would highly recommend it to any and all!"

− Kris

"My experience was great. Pain in my lower right quadrant of my back is virtually gone. This has improved my quality of life tremendously. Everyone I had contact with was very courteous and helpful. Special thanks to Alika and Danny for helping me learn exercises that have helped my back. Thank you."

− Ken

"Last Sunday I played full court basketball for the first time in 15 years. I will qualify the contest by saying it happened on a court just out of the back door of an elder care center. The teams consisted of a 7 year old, an d8 year old, a young woman in flip-flops (I played in sandals), a woman who proudly stated she was 55 years old (I retorted with my age of 65), and a couple of other young guys that really played well. I ran the court, I played defense, blocked shots, made shots (missed a lot), got lots of rebounds, and talked a lot of smack while playing with a group of people a lot younger than me. I even made a behind the back-twisting fall-away shot, then fell and tumbled on the court. I jumped up and continued to play, and we played for about 45 minutes.
I attribute my ability to play this game that I love so much again to the excellent training receive from Kristy who is a trainer at A2 Physical Therapy. I have worked out and trained since I was very young. I played high school basketball, baseball, and I ran track. I spent 20 years in the Army with all the training requirements associated with that occupation. I played on community and city leagues, and I have trained with weights for many years. The training program Kristy has devised for me at A2 is rigorous, thorough, diverse, fun, challenging, and focused. She prepares workout plans that are age and fitness level appropriate. My work out now is so much different then it was when I first started. She both trains me individually and as a couple. I run, jump, stretch, lift, balance, squat, push, pull, and every other movement you can imagine. I look forward to going to my workout every time. Kristy is completely in charge of every workout. I am retired, and my training at A2 allows me to fill the need to accomplish something positive every day I work out. I am doing physical activity with ease that I would not have thought I would be able be able to accomplish at the age of 65 such as hiking on Mt Rainer and running 4 days per week. Kristy and A2 have really changed my life…"

− William