Mindfulness at A2 Physical Therapy

Mindfulness practices are embraced for many different reasons.  Life skills, personal and team resilience, creativity, deeper relaxation and better sleep, health and well being, self knowledge and mastery are just a few areas in our daily lives that can be enhanced with mindfulness practices. Similarly, studies show the broad impact that mindfulness can have on our lives. These include heightened awareness of the present moment, improved focus, paying attention to and reducing physical tension, not acting without thinking,  less preoccupation with the past and future, as well as improvements in sleep quality. 

Mindfulness can be described as employing intention and attention toward the present moment - paying attention in a particular way. The mindfulness sessions at A2, in alignment with our emphasis on physcial therapy and fitness, will emphasize body centered or somatic practices. Each week we will highlight one of more than twelve core areas. We will work toward developing both formal and informal daily practices that can serve individual circumstances, as well as celebrate the opportunities of practicing together. 

Monty Smith, who will facilitate the mindfulness sessions at A2, is a Tacoma based mindfulness instructor and coach. He has studied mindfulness and supporting practices for over thirty years, including living and studying for five years in India. He loves to share these practices with others. He has had a diverse work life as an Army Officer, Lawyer, Pastor and administrator. Currently he is a member of the Reflective Practices Faculty and serves on the Community Steering Committee for the Environmental Education Community of Interest/Puyallup Watershed Initiative. 

"Two words…WOW! Amazing! These two words encompass everything that is A2 Physical Therapy is. Put aside the beauty of the business, the immaculate cleanliness and exquisite equipment. More important is the quality of care that you revive here. The extensive knowledge and the actual sure care that provide is fantastic. You will be, as I have been, in great hands as the work to achieve the goals you will set together. It is a true joy to be a part of this “family”! Thank you A2!"

− Sean

"Thanks so much - from the front desk, to my therapist Danny, to the owners. I felt supported by caring professionals while I recovered from my work related injuries. I felt encouraged to work hard to fully recover, and I feel like I have. Negotiating health care services can be overwhelming, but A2 made getting the care I needed straight forward. Thanks again for everything."

− David

"It was very helpful to be taught exercises I could do at home to alleviate the pain in my back and to make my stomach/diaphragm stronger. It was a great experience and I took away a lot of knowledge to help myself."

− T. Docherty