Massage for your Heart

High Blood Pressure, Poor Circulation and the Benefits of Massage

Relaxation massage has been shown to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure with regular treatment sessions. Studies have shown that after a massage, the levels of cortisol (stress related hormone) in individuals are reduced. Lowered blood pressure facilitates Stress reduction by reducing one's risk for developing anxiety, depression and hostile feelings. It can control stress hormone levels and possibly lower the risk of having a stroke, heart attack, or kidney failure.

Poor Circulation: Friction created between skin and fingers encourages an improvement in circulation. With improved circulation of blood and lymph flow comes healthier, stronger muscles that are less likely to fatigue and weaken during any type of activity. Massage stimulates an increase in blood flow around muscles within the body. This increase in blood flow helps to rise muscle temperature, which improves the elasticity of muscle fibers allowing an increase in range of movement and decrease in restriction.

Improved circulation through massage can help increase relaxation. Relaxation can be restricted for a variety of reasons. One of the most common reasons for a lack of relaxation is poor posture. This contributes towards an increase in muscle tension and restricts movement. Increasing tissue elasticity and decreasing restriction enables muscle to relax and posture to return to normal.

Increased vasodilation through massage can also help improve circulation. Vasodilation is the process of widening blood vessels and bringing them closer to the skin’s surface.

As smooth muscles’ lining blood vessels relax, blood pressure is reduced, and restriction is decreased. Decreasing blood pressure and restriction, increases the blood traveling through the vessels, which improves circulation as blood is transported around the body at a faster rate.

"My name is Irvin Markham. I am a member of A2 Physical Therapy and Fitness. I have been a member of several gyms but never had a personal trainer. With no schedule or workout plan, I would always eventually quit. My wife suggested to go see her personal trainer Kristi Cruz. What a difference the experience has made in helping me get the most out of my workouts. Kristi has not only helped me get 71 year old body back in shape physically, but mentally as well. She has put me on a set schedule and encourages me to do all the things I need to do to stay healthy. I cannot thank Kristi and the entire staff at A2 for all of the support they have shown me."

− Irvin

"I loved it here! Everyone was so kind and welcoming and it is a very comfortable space to be in. That made it 100X easier to work on things, and ask plenty of questions. I seriously can’t think of anything to improve upon! Everything worked and helped me feel better, and is so exciting! Because of this, I can do more, and spend less time hurting."

− Georgia

"Danny was fantastic; he was able to quickly diagnose my issues and construct a plan for recovery that began showing results in a couple weeks. 10/10 would recommend to everyone."

− Veronica