Happy 2020! Let Us Help You Conquer Your Goals

By Carrie McKewan

Personal Fitness Trainer -- A2 Physical Therapy

The holiday season can be a chaotic time, but I hope you were able to find moments of calm. Whether that was a hike or short walk outside, or even 10 minutes of meditation. Finding peace is important to your well-being, especially following such a high energy time of year. 

The new year is often a constructed point in time for us to feel refreshed and ready for a new beginning. Let’s embrace that burst of fresh energy and focus on developing better lifestyle choices. 

However, I heard clients recently say, “I don’t like setting resolutions for myself, I just end up disappointed when I don’t follow through on them.”

We at A2 Physical Therapy are here to set you up for success. Here are some strategies to get you started on tackling your goals in 2020!

Don’t: Set inflexible goals.

Do: Instead, make a list of personal reflections. For example: Did you eat less refined sugar last year? Keep it up! Did you exercise consistently? Keep doing that! Reflect and continue to build on your successes!

Don’t: Go it alone.

Do: Share reflections and goals with friends. Find people who will support and reassure you through the journey. It’s easier to remind one other that health, and our lives in general, are not linear, and there are ups and downs to be expected. The A2 community is here to help you, too. 

Don’t: Feel Pressure to Set a Resolution 

Do: Set goals because you want to. Do it knowing it might not be easy. And if you hate it, don’t be afraid to try something new! Work to be comfortable with change and allow it to happen. And do it when you’re ready.

"After a three-car rear end accident, I had a concussion and severe whiplash. I picked A2 to help me recover. I will have to honestly say A2's expertise and therapists along with all the other staff, have been the "silver lining". They are very knowledgable and take the time to explain what they are doing. and why they are doing it. They are extremely friendly, thoughtful, and maintain flexible hours. I have followed the home exercises regularly and have seen steady improvement. This is very important as I am a small business owner with a physically demanding job. A2 has it all! Fantastic physical therapists, massage therapist, and personal fitness trainers, all under one roof. Alika is a visionary and A2 is the hidden jewel of PT, but not for long."

− Danielle

"A2 staff are friendly and informative. All my questions and concerns were addressed. I looked forward to my appointments because even if I didn’t see my progress, because it was so gradual, the staff here made sure to celebrate every move forward. I thought I’d always have a limp/never recover fully, but I was wrong!"

− Amanda

"I am impressed with the personnel that worked with me during this process for my back. Danny, Shelby, & Jackie are very knowledgeable, and available for all of the questions I brought up. I appreciated the constant evaluation of my progress during the six week process. I truly enjoyed their company as well. It isn't like going to a normal doctor's office. It was a very personal experience. Best yest is that the therapy worked very well. I am very pleased with the results. My pain is almost non-existent. Thank you very much."

− Tom