Shoulder Rehab

From chronic rotator cuff injuries to trauma-related shoulder conditions and everything in between, A2 is experienced and ready to help you regain your shoulder’s strength and mobility. Our clinic has the modalities, equipment, and most importantly - the therapist experience, that’s required to help you regain your shoulder’s function.  Alika Antone, DPT has taken extensive post graduate shoulder rehabilitation courses and has years of clinical experience.  He is specially-trained in golf performance and has attended Major League Baseball’s Team Medicine Conference.  Alika works closely with many baseball, volleyball, and tennis players, along with golfers and swimmers in the area.

"William and I have been working out with Kristi on Saturday mornings for months now and we love it! We find the couples training so beautiful physically, mentally and relationally. Kristi not only challenges us with cardio and lifting but has introduced us to exercises that relate to balance and stretching. As we enter our 60’s we appreciate these balance routines and can see how it benefits our daily lives. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard William say, “I am not doing that, that’s a girl exercise!” and then later he’ll say “wow that was harder than I thought” or sometime that week he’ll bring up an exercise we do on Saturday and how it benefited him that day! Most importantly we have blast encouraging each other, competing with each other and having fun! We appreciate A2 and Kristi for providing a space for us to stay fit and have fun. We wish you all much success! Thank you"

− Pam and William

"Kristi’s weekly bootcamp has truly gotten me out of my comfort zone. I started attending with my family a few months ago. My first couple of times I was so ore! At times I became discouraged, but I just pushed through! I keep coming every week I am available. There’s no shaming if you must miss a week. You can even have someone go on your behalf if you miss a week. Since starting Kristi’s bootcamp I’ve said yes to other fitness opportunities I would have previously turned down. I now workout EVERYDAY and I’ve lost over 20 lbs since I first started coming. Thanks Kristi and to my family for introducing mw to this awesome bootcamp!"

− Amanda

"Clear, communicative staff that showed great motivation in helping me return to my return to my recreational work and athletic activities Danny is super knowledgeable and had a strong sense of intuition in helping me identify and overcome my limitations. I’ve made an excellent recovery from a critical injury thanks to A2 and am now back to my usual flow."

− Keyon