Youth Fitness (Ages 7-12 years)

This group is designed for youth to discover coordination, strength, speed, and balance through basic fitness movements and games. Our coaches will create an atmosphere that promotes a positive association to health, wellness and practicing fitness for life. 

"I had a lot of fear after surgery, afraid that I would not regain mobility and strength. I feel that A2 helped me achieve a higher plateau of health, motion, and strength than I would’ve achieved elsewhere. Also, A2 has taught me the exercises to go even further, to strengthen and mobilize my shoulder. I fully trust A2 and will recommend them to all my friends, family, and coworkers. They have all treated both me and my wife with a gentle kindness that is rare today and have made us feel welcome in their care. Very professional, but with a sense of caring; that is how I would describe A2. I will miss them all and am very grateful to have been in their hands."

− Roger

"I am impressed with the personnel that worked with me during this process for my back. Danny, Shelby, & Jackie are very knowledgeable, and available for all of the questions I brought up. I appreciated the constant evaluation of my progress during the six week process. I truly enjoyed their company as well. It isn't like going to a normal doctor's office. It was a very personal experience. Best yest is that the therapy worked very well. I am very pleased with the results. My pain is almost non-existent. Thank you very much."

− Tom

"Kristi’s weekly bootcamp has truly gotten me out of my comfort zone. I started attending with my family a few months ago. My first couple of times I was so ore! At times I became discouraged, but I just pushed through! I keep coming every week I am available. There’s no shaming if you must miss a week. You can even have someone go on your behalf if you miss a week. Since starting Kristi’s bootcamp I’ve said yes to other fitness opportunities I would have previously turned down. I now workout EVERYDAY and I’ve lost over 20 lbs since I first started coming. Thanks Kristi and to my family for introducing mw to this awesome bootcamp!"

− Amanda