Jenilee Antone, Chief Development Officer

Jenilee has a passion for customer serice and health and wellness, and she is your go-to contact to discuss patient care and community involvement events. Jenilee loves chatting with patients about their vision, needs and experiences throughout the Physical Therapy process. She takes pride in the healing and welcoming atmosphere at A2PT, and strives to cultivate meaningful relationships with our patients and the community. She advocates for our patients with the treatment team through frequent and collaborative discussions on the best ways to provide the highest level of care. 

Born and raised in Tacoma, Jenilee loves the city and returned to start her career and family here after graduating from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Arts in communciations in 2003. She and Alika married in 2008, and have four active boys. Jenilee loves being with family, exploring the outdoors, indulging in all things pizza, and finding ways to exercise regularly with her boys and A2 community. 

"My wife was trying to get me to go to A2 after she was enjoying the classes. I am busy and wanted to go but always had an excuse. Well one she pre-paid for me to go. Time for me to face my fears about why I hadn’t been going because now I am going. First, I was in ok shape active just not work out shape plus what if I couldn’t beat my wife or the other women in class? What if I passed out?

As Saturday approached my fears rose and my brain searched for an excuse. Yet when I arrived at the class what I found was nothing like I was fearing, quite the opposite. Everyone is focused on their own pace. While being motivating Kristi is not forceful but positive and supportive, coaching each person at their ability.

It has not been a month of one day a week, my body has reacted by toning up, my six pack is back. My wife was mad and happy at the same time. I have been seeing a chiropractor for maintenance and recently my body is firming up and I do not feel the aches and pains of getting older. Was I sore after the first workout? Yes for a few days I was sore, but each week the soreness would decrease. After a month I am not sore but stiff the next day, feeling stronger each workout.

Thank you, A2 Physical Therapy and Kristi, for the good music and for pushing us without pressuring us."

− Mike

"I’m really glad I am going to A2. My PT Danny is very knowledgeable and courteous. He pin-pointed the area affected in my hip and back. We are working to improve my strength, range of motion and ultimately lessen my pain with Danny’s wide range of stretches and strength techniques to improve my quality of life. So far in the three weeks that I’ve been enrolled I’m very impressed with A2 Physical Therapy. Thanks Danny!"

− Sean

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for all that you have done to help me get better. What I admire the most is that you have a kind, caring, outstanding staff that not only listens to what is going on with us but goes the extra mile to help each of us achieve our goals. Danny and Alika never, never, never gave up on me and helped me reclaim my life. I love all of you dearly."

− C. Marez