Balance for Older Adults

Physical therapy incorporating balance training can help prevent and reduce the number of falls among older adults. The CDC reports that one third of adults 65 and older experience at least one fall a year, with 20-30% of falls leading to moderate to severe injuries. With the goal to maintain independence for as long as possible and to reduce the occurrence of falls, our therapists will safely incorporate fun, functional, and creative balance training exercises using a variety of equipment. Regardless of your fitness level, challenging and improving your balance at A2 can improve your confidence, body awareness, and overall safety.

"Kristi gives me a great positive feeling; to feel good bout myself. I have never been able to keep up on a food journal- now its easy. My personal goals are to have a decreased pulse rate, be fit, and take care of my heart. I come in on Wednedays at 5 am. Sometimes its hard to ge tout of bed, but I know I am working with someone (Kristi) who I am accountable too. Kristi is always so pleasant and never makes me feel ashamed of myself. A2 is a great place, each person is so positive. You learn to feel better by getting your mind to feel better first…. Think positive! I love this place, I will recommend each personto A2 either for PT or personal training. You guys are #1!"

− Suzie

"I came to A2 PT to assist in my recovery of a torn Achilles tendon. Not fully knowing what to expect, I was pleasantly surprised. Using a combination of PT (for strengthening and stretching) and massage (for scare tissue Break up) I feel my recovery has been accelerated. The whole crew Alika, Kristi, and Sophia are very kind, spirited, and passionate about their jobs! On a personal note, the word massage should be removed from the phrase deep tissue massage. It is very misleading-but it does work!
Keep up the great work gang!!"

− Christopher

"Kristi’s weekly bootcamp has truly gotten me out of my comfort zone. I started attending with my family a few months ago. My first couple of times I was so ore! At times I became discouraged, but I just pushed through! I keep coming every week I am available. There’s no shaming if you must miss a week. You can even have someone go on your behalf if you miss a week. Since starting Kristi’s bootcamp I’ve said yes to other fitness opportunities I would have previously turned down. I now workout EVERYDAY and I’ve lost over 20 lbs since I first started coming. Thanks Kristi and to my family for introducing mw to this awesome bootcamp!"

− Amanda